Every 3rd Saturdays Socio- cultural integration program. संकीर्तन प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार, स्वागतम्

Aims & Work

Zie hieronder wat we voor u betekennen, en
het programma voor u

Wat doen we voor de Geïntegreerde samenleving?

  1. Platform BVCN behartigt de sociaal-culturele en maatschappelijke belangen van mensen uit Azie, vooral de Bhutaanse vluchtelingen in Nederland, ten einde de integratie en participatie van hen in de Nederlandse samenleving te bevorderen. 
  2. De missie is het streven naar een duurzame samenleving waarin men harmonisch met elkaar samenleeft. 

Om dit doel te realiseren biedt dit Platform op sociaal-cultureel, maatschappelijk en educatief platform waarin mensen van Oost en West aan elkaar kan komen en de spirituele gelukzaligheid te genieten.

Dit Platform is onder meer een informeel, vrede onderwijs stelsel gebaseerd op de Vedische wijsheid om de vrede en geestelijke gezondheid van iedereen te bevorderen en het te integreren aan Nederlandse maatschappij. Dit wordt gerealiseerd door het organiseren van het cultureel programma's, seminaar, workshop, feest en bijeenkomsten in samenwerking met de lokaal organisaties. 


Platform for Bhutanese and Vedic Cultural Integration in the Netherlands - bvcn is an official, non profit-making, non political, non-religiousl NGO registered in The Netherlands with the number Kvk 17141470.

  1. Platform BVCN serves for the social, cultural and community based values and importance of the people from Asia settled in The Netherlands, mainly for the Bhutanese refugees with aim and good faith to help them integrate in the Dutch society
  2. Its mission is to serve for the purpose of sustainable social and cultural integration in which the traditional values and cultural norms are preserved and everyone live in peace and harmoney. 

In view to attain this objectives, the Platform organises socially useful cultural and educational programs  where everyone irrespective of their faith, culture and background can participate and learn from eachother and also experiance the spiritual ecstasy. For the spiritual matters and higher consciousness the Vedic wisdom is taken as our source of inspiration.

The culture described in the Vedic wisdom appears universal and is understood as the culture of the human race in  its origianal state however it has taken different forms and expression according to time and geography. Therefore the Vedic culture embraces the culture of the people of various background and faith. It focusses to love everyone, sees everyone as one human race irrespective of their background, giving importance to the fact that everyone is the soul in proper sense. At times of social integration into the Dutch society this platform serves as the meeting point to share and keep own values and tradition preserved.

INVITATION. UITNDIGING. प्रबचनका  साथ भजन कीर्तन

Vedic culture is the common platform for peace and unity.

You are warmly welcomed to the Vedic cultural program on every 3rd Saturday of every month.

The program begins with bhajan kirtan. Then puspanjali to your own object of worship. Then explannations from the Bhagavad Gita As It Is edition followed by interactive discussion on this wisdom. For this, a brahmacari from Radhadesh will come. 

At the end there will be more bhajan and arati. Vegetarian dinner will be served. The program begins at 15:30 and ends at 19 hrs. 

Travel from the nearest NS is provided. No cost involved.

The address is: Platform BVCN
Hof Ter AA 86, Boxtel
tel: 0685 30 6737

प्रबचनका साथ भजन कीर्तन आरती र
प्रसाद सेवा सम्पन्न हुने हाम्रो नेपाली
वैदिक संस्कृति को संबर्धनका निम्ति पनी
आयोजना गरिल्यायिएको हो र यस्मा
सबैलाई आध्यात्मिक स्वस्थ्य को लागी
पनी सेवा गर्ने हाम्रो उधेश्य हो कृपाय
सहभागी बन्नुहवस/
