24/7/12 'We offer the talisman for happiness that leads also to the fulfilment of the human form of life', declared His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj appealing the audience on the 10th year celebration of the Naamhat in Boxtel, The Netherlands.
If one wants to practice physics one has to approach a Physician, if one wants to learn music one to learn it from a musician. Just opening a book to learn something shall not be sufficient for a successful result. So, similarly if one wants to know the science of the soul, whose natural position is blissful, being it the part and parcel of the supreme divine, the Lord Krishna, one has to go and listen to the transcendentalist who is linked to the disciplic succession. As mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4 of As It Is version, the purest of the renderings, Swami appealed the congregation of people from various background to try to go beyound the bodily concept of life and develop the divine nature, spiritual, so that the hankering for the happiness can be fulfilled. In the bodily concept of life one sees only the differences in human. Yet trying to enjoy, but being this a material and temporary, their search for happiness will be flickering and ends with frustration. Instead, if one learns the transcendental wisdom from the Vedic literature, rendered in hundred of languages, without any personal motives by His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, directly linked to disciplic succssion with the Lord Krishna, one attains the trancendental happiness in this life and make the human form of life a success. Peace in the society can prevail through this approach. Its beyound bias and everyone irrespective of their faith and background are welcomed with love, said Swami Maharaj.
The congregation included people from different nationalities and background, namely, Dutch and Belgians, few Nepalese and Bhutanese and a promiment figure from the Saibaba tradition, saint Premananda. More than 70 people attenden the program that marked 10th anniversary of Naamhat Boxtel, that has been actively integrating the Vedic cultural values in the Dutch society.
Guru Maharaj Bhakti Caru Swami rendered the message of the revealed literatures, the Vedas, mainly from the Bhagavad Gita As It Is with interactive approach.There was constant flow of questions and answers. More than two hours long exchange of the transcendental wisdom ended with bhajan kirtan and Gaura arati. Then followed sumptious vegetarian dinner.
All the attendants felt a level of transcendental bliss during this program and expressed the important valuse the Naamhat has shared with great success. Naamhat means a scheduled divine market for the public making the commodities for the spiritual welbeing easily available.This type of program continues every third Saturdays however the tenth anniversary graced by His Holiness was unprecendeted one that will be cherished in the heart of the devotees ever after.

The congregation included people from different nationalities and background, namely, Dutch and Belgians, few Nepalese and Bhutanese and a promiment figure from the Saibaba tradition, saint Premananda. More than 70 people attenden the program that marked 10th anniversary of Naamhat Boxtel, that has been actively integrating the Vedic cultural values in the Dutch society.
Guru Maharaj Bhakti Caru Swami rendered the message of the revealed literatures, the Vedas, mainly from the Bhagavad Gita As It Is with interactive approach.There was constant flow of questions and answers. More than two hours long exchange of the transcendental wisdom ended with bhajan kirtan and Gaura arati. Then followed sumptious vegetarian dinner.
All the attendants felt a level of transcendental bliss during this program and expressed the important valuse the Naamhat has shared with great success. Naamhat means a scheduled divine market for the public making the commodities for the spiritual welbeing easily available.This type of program continues every third Saturdays however the tenth anniversary graced by His Holiness was unprecendeted one that will be cherished in the heart of the devotees ever after.
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