Aug 18 Program: In het Krishna bewustzijn kunnen men ervaren hoe ze zijn visie zich kunnen berieken.
In de Bhagavad Gita Zoals Ze Is, 6:30, Yomam pasyati sarvatra-- legt
Krishna uit dat als men een visie of missie heb om Krishna te berieken,
dan dat kan absoluut lukken. Er zijn voorbeelden van deze bewering. Het
levensverhaal van Mirabai is een levende voorbeeld hoe men Krishna kan
krijgen. Kijk naar de video van de lezing door Anupam prabhu over de
verhaal van Mirabai, heel goed is voor de kinderen.
the process of Krishna Consciousness, one can experience in this life
the joy of the fulfillment of the life's mission. Even the abstract
wishes like for example to see the Lord Krishna face to face and
exchange the feelings is possible. This method is explained in the
Bhagavad Gita chapter 6:30, Yomam pasyati sarvatra-- and can this be easily understood if you read the As It is version of the Gita.
Frank singing Vedic hymns on 18/8 program |
during the Vedic cultural program of 18th August Anupam prabhu
explained this with the examples of Mira Bai. See the above video. It is very good for the children too to build up their mission of life
from the early age.
The Vedic program of 18 August was aimed at giving the participants that the personalities who are spiritually elevated and realized wisdom are suitable for people in general to accept as the mentor to develop in them the good character. The life story of Mira Bai who was the princes of India in the previous century is one of such personality who owe even the attention of the supreme absolute, Krishna. Her glory is sung by the learned people today. Mr Frank in the program presented songs of such a glory in the program. Another participant, Mr. Michael and his son Kevin prabhu donated a guitar to use during such programs.
society is much bewildered and divided because the atheist people with
demonic attidute are mostly leading them. They have cunning voice and
power to rule over because the maas of the people are least enthusistic
to spiritual development who could oppose the ill and come to the right track of communal harmoney.One example in this regard is the Bhutanese community, mostly in the Netherlands. Despite the fact that every Bhutanese are invited and to some with physicall difficulties, even transport service is being provided, they seldom come to the cultural programs organised by this foundation.
The reasons behind this naive enthusiasm in their own vedic culture varries individually, but that has also some influence by the bogus leaders like Ram Bahadur Karki Chhetri supported by his party comrade Lakshmi. One example of their interference in whatever we do for the promotion and preservation of the vedic culture has evidently come into notice recently.
In the end of July some Bhutanese and a few Nepalese too were just gossiping in the Karki's restaurant while Karki criticised against those who participated in the Rathayatra of the year in Eindhoven. According to the witness, Karki said, 'hi you are pulling the rath of Gautam, ye, what made you do so??". Most of them kept silent either due to the fear that karki's political party would reprimand them or of the fear that they would loose the support of the majority as is the case exressed by Dhakal during the inauguration of his BCN.
Only one among the elderly person replied to karki, saying; vedic cultural events are open to all, and not organised by gautam alone, so the rathayatra is not a private show. Karki laughed sarcastically. This type of rediculous intervention against the good work of others by kakri and his few supporters is the cause of dis-unity. During the rathayatra of Amsterdam later this month, the participants of the Bhutanese turned even low.Even in the BCN they have established only about 30 people including little children joind as members.
However counter-reactions of this kind is not healthy, one has to utilize one's own common sense and rise up from the dualities so that we Bhutanese can emerge as the most friendly and civilized people spread all over the world.
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