Everybody was invited and taste yourself the spiritual bliss.
Yet only the fortunate one who may have purity in mind turns up. But outstandingly the Mahasatsang, mahasankirtan, 8 hours non-stop chanting in different melodies the holy name mamantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare was done amid more than two hundred devotees in Amsterdam on 9th December.
The hall of the Clublite was full. The dancing in ecstacy bounced the floor continiously. It was ver wonderfully organised. It was the best example of teamwork the display of the Sanatan Dharma in true practice.In such sankirtan even the Lord Sri Krishna and His manifestations will be there including the great devotee like Hanuman.
Sankirtan is the most enjoyable cultural event in which you will experiance the transcendental happiness as it will nourish your soul.
Sankirtan is the recommended dharma for the kali youga. It is the event where everyone irespective of their faith and background are encouraged to come and join hands given with love. That the sanatan dharma.
It was ekadasi, recommended to fast from the cereal grains. So the prasad was special. There was halwa, soup, curry, sweets, spice tea etc and it was sufficient for everybody open to take any time they like, throug out the whole day.
The participants were colourful in vedic traditional dress, mostly the Dutch and Belgians and Hindu background people including few Africans, Panjabi and one Bhutanese, Bhandari ba.
Sankirtan system of cultural gathering began from the begining of the Kali yug about five thousand years ago. This process was further intensified by the Lord Sri Caitanya and His associations, mainly the Nityananda. In the West this culture was introduced by Srila Prabhupada, the greatest saint of this age.

Sankirtan system of cultural gathering began from the begining of the Kali yug about five thousand years ago. This process was further intensified by the Lord Sri Caitanya and His associations, mainly the Nityananda. In the West this culture was introduced by Srila Prabhupada, the greatest saint of this age.

Generally Bhutanese and Nepalis expresses no to attend in the event where there is the presence of the person they choose to hate or have dislike owing to their own prejudices or petty politics. Lets cross across this prejudice and take the advantage of the event that surpasses the mundane benifit and help yourself acquire punya, the pious asset that will help you in this life and also to the life after.
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