14/2/13. Spiritual knowledge is the foundation for liberation from the material bondage. The sages and demigods- Devatas, has set the rule in the society to recognise this importance and celebrate the bestower of the knowledge Saraswati Devi by observing her appearance day on Vasant pancami, that corresponded this year on 14th Februari.
Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and arts and manages the free flow of wisdom among the people devoted to the Supreme Lord Krishna. Goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, consciousness and strength. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus – the symbol of true knowledge – in the second.
Om Saraswati Mahabhagey, Vidye Kamala Lochaney |
Viswarupey Vishalakshmi, Vidyam Dehi Namohastutey ||
Jaya Jaya Devi, Charachara Sharey, Kuchayuga Shobhita, Mukta Haarey |
Vina Ranjita, Pustaka Hastey, Bhagavati Bharati Devi Namohastutey ||

With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on a string instrument called the veena. She is dressed in white – the symbol of purity – and rides on a white swan – symbolizing Sattwa Guna the mode of goodness. Saraswati is also a prominent figure in Buddhist iconography as the consort of Manjushri.
On this Vasant pancami, little children are introduced to read and write after performing oblations to Saraswati. There are special prayers to please her- see below. This will be performed in the Platform BVCN on this day for anyone interested to attend. People who desires to elevate their wisdom and consciousness give importance to this celebration.
On this day, early in the morning, it is adviced to take bath. Then do spirituel activities like worshiping according to individual's choice of deity worship, for example, do arati to Lord Krishna under whose directions the Saraswati Devi manages the faculty of art and wisdom. Coock palatable food and offer to the lord according to the guidelines given in the pancaratrika viddi. Then make altar also for the goddess Saraswati and offer garlands, water, lamp etc. Then offer the stuff that was once already offered to Krishna. This makes Divi more pleased to you. Then offer the prayers as mentioned below. After that begin reading books like Bhagavad Gita As It Is.
Prayers: Saraswati devotees utter to please the goddess saraswati

Viswarupey Vishalakshmi, Vidyam Dehi Namohastutey ||
Jaya Jaya Devi, Charachara Sharey, Kuchayuga Shobhita, Mukta Haarey |
Vina Ranjita, Pustaka Hastey, Bhagavati Bharati Devi Namohastutey ||
Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha|
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa||
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa||
This means:
"May Goddess Saraswati,
who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon,
and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops;
who is adorned in radiant white attire,
on whose beautiful arm rests the veena,
and whose throne is a white lotus;
who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me.
May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance."
who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon,
and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops;
who is adorned in radiant white attire,
on whose beautiful arm rests the veena,
and whose throne is a white lotus;
who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me.
May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance."
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