16/11/13. The Vedic scriptures defines the core responsibilities for the people holding leadership position at home, in the society and the nation. Should you be not able to fulfill that responsibilities then you should not hold that position.
In the Srimad Bhagavad puran 5.5.8 (see full text here) it is said:
"One who cannot deliver his dependents from the path of repeated birth and death should never become a spiritual master, a father, a husband, a mother or a worshipable demigod.
Our society is topsyturvy because of the leaders least interested in the divine spirituality. They are very much inimical against those doing good to the society, having hooligan type of bond they have in their past. Should we give an example of this, then the Bhutanese immigrants in The Netherlands is the one that has been so much dis-integrated and falling, all due to the so called leaders who established an organisation called Bhutanese Community in The Netherlands. To name, its founders Ram Bahadaur Karki Chhetri and Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal are the one playing foul with every norms of the societal responsibilities to bring people to the right path of humanity. They have very strong gang of politically surcharged psychophants always after the votes and position only.
The example on why Bhutanese failed to organise a puran in this year in The Netherlands even after acquiring a space in the Wijchen temple and a commitment of about 4000 Euro substantiates the rascaldom of these leaders. Other Bhutanese communities in other countries have had already many spiritual discourses organised, for example in a small city in Norway where only about 12 Bhutanese families are settled. Dutch Bhutanese are more than 345 but always failed to keep up their identity all due to the fact that they are misled by their leaders and do not try to know what to listen and from whom.
Another Bhutanese Organisation, Platform BVCN organisese every 3rd Saturdays Vedic Cultural Integration program promoting unity and and social integration in the local communities. On the 16th November program focus was given into the Vedic wisdom that gives importance to character building so that our society will be peace loving one. On this regard, Srimad Bhagavad puran's text 5.5.8 was discussed among the participants by the moderator Rasavilasini mataji from Rotterdam, see video.There were about 30 participants from different cultural background.
Fotos of the participants below:
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