17 May 14. Dutch>>
Srila Prabhupada emphasized all 16 sanskaras - purification process to follow. This raises the society to higher consciousness.
The last sanskar - antesthi kriya should be done with the help of a priest when one leaves his or her body and this Puran forms as a handbook. Mainly in North India , Nepal and Bhutan , the Brahmins recite the Garud Puran for the mourners to listen. During the mourning period. However, the contents of the puran is not much explained or tried to understand it.
A Vaisnava devotee does not need to perform the same way the others can choose to do the last rites. There are higher steps like the Bhagavad Puran, or chant the holy maha mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare. But if one thinks to be neophite in Krsna consciousness the it is necessary to do the rituals in the Karma Kandi method and offer the results to Krishna . A Karma Kandi priest will always be happy to do that .
Even if the relatives of the dead are not Krishna conscious at the time of death, and and if their souls are trapped in the subtle form of entities , in order to liberate them such rituals provide the opportunities. Bhagavad Gita 8.5 explaines that if one can call out the holy name at the last moment of life, he will be delivered, but if at that last moment, the consciousness is in other state, the soul takes that state of nature and reincarnates in the body suitable to that state of consciousness.
To avoid falling in the material state of birth, old age, disease and death, one need to have the knowledge and practices as given in the Puran. In view of this Platform BVCN along with ISKCON Naamhat organised to present the importance of Garud Puran in connection with the rituals for the dead. Anupam Krishnadas explaind this from which about 30 participants benefitted.
Chhatrapati Phuyel, Kb Chauhan, Purna Basnet and 10 others like this.
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