Update 2nd June after the session:
His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj accompanied by HH Bhakti Prema Swami and four brahmacaris kindly blessed Naamhat Boxtel on 2nd June with their auspecious visit. In transcendental pleasure maharaj performed aarati to our deities and offered garland to Srila Prabhupada. Then caran avisekh, a rare chance of blessing was kindly bestowed to the host that we did together.

HH Bhakti Charu Swami addressing the 'happiness symposium'.
Maharaj then preferred to take little rest as he was tired due to travel. He arrived to Boxtel via Wijchen from Rotterdam where he gave the previous day a session with the disciples and then a class at Audaryadhaam.
In Wijchen, maharaj visited Shree Ram Mandir very nicely run in the Sanatan dharma tradition by a team of pious families. 'If people could cooperate each other irrespective of their background and unanimously approach the government, building such a nice temple in Holland is always made possible' said a Brahmacari who witnessed the discussion between the temple authorities headed by the Pundit Sewnandan and maharaj. This is true. Sewnandan family came to the evening program in Boxtel.
Maharaj inquired the progress of the construction of the ISKCON temple in The Hague. Having approached in cooperation with Arya Samaj and Sikh community the permission was sanctioned by the government few years earlier to build temples side by side for each of these communities at Transval in The Hague.
In absence of any members of the executive committee, though they were invited to inform the progress in construction, I explained the progress as mentioned in the Krishna Bhakti Magazine June 15 edition.
At this moment the project is on the 1st phase, ie the 'bare bones Temple construction' and its within their's reach. This is estimated to 650 000 Euro. The 2nd phase, 'completing the construction' is estimated to 900 000 euro and the final phase of 'truly beyond temple' will cost 1200 000 Euro.At this moment the architectural design has been approved? The other two communities have already begun the construction. Naamhat Boxtel is pleased to support this project and looking for the ways to get information to engage in it.
The Hague municipality has laid the condition for ISKCON that it has to start the building construction in 2015. It is being done on the initiative of Shyam Sundar prabhu who has been operating a temple in his apartment for several years. Maharaj was pleased to hear this and asked everyone to support this temple building.
Later in the evening maharaj gave a class out of the Vedic wisdom on the importance of recognizing the soul and the level of consciosness. The happiness of the soul if pursued by raising oneself to the devotional platform will make one eternally joyous from within. This was the core message explained elaborately. More than 120 people from various background and age groups attended the symposium. At the end sumptious vegetarian meal prasad was served with love to all. It was a grand success.
More fotos here>>
by : Nanda Gautam

Zou u willen komen voor dit spiritueel beurs? Graag uw keuze
via deze link doorgeven aub, i.v.m het feestmaal
01/04/15 Update met nieuw datum. Updated with new date
Er is gelukzaligheid voorbij de materiële voorspoed. Daar gaat het om welke iedereen opzoek naar zouden zijn.
Spiritueel Gelukzaligheid! Een lezing verzorgd door:
Zijne Heiligheid Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj
Op dinsdag 2 juni 2015
om 18:30 uur bij het
Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 7,
5283 CA Boxtel
In de huidige maatschappij wordt ons geluk en welvaart gemeten met de beschikbaarheid van middelen om onze zinnen met onze zintuigen te bevredigen. De meetlat, volgens VN is het ‘Bruto Nationale Product’. Maar hoe meer we hiernaar streven hoe meer we verstrikt raken in een netwerk van strijd om macht om onze verlangens en behoeftes te vervullen. Iedereen strijd voor een bestaan; en dit strijden voor een bestaan houdt onmiddellijk op als we in aanraking komen met eeuwige werkelijke kennis: dat is spiritueel. De spirituele gelukzaligheid is eeuwig en universeel, geldt voor iedereen ongeacht de achtergronden van de mens.
In tegenstelling tot het materiële hedonisme spiritueel bewustzijn haalt alle twijfels weg en is gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke bewijzen vanuit de Vedische wijsheid.Doe hier alstublieft uw voordeel me om zo deze wereld te verbeteren beginnend bij uzelf.
Wil je jezelf daadwerkelijk redden uit een kringloop van problemen en innerlijke gelukkig worden om eeuwig plezier te beleven dan is dit evenement bij uitstek de oplossing.
Deze oplossingen, beschrijven we met een thema als ‘Bruto Spiritueel Geluk’. De methoden worden uitgelegd in de lezing van Zijn Heiligheid Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj, een van de voorstaande spiritueel leraar uit India. Zo’n oplossing voor alle levende wezens was gepresenteerd door Srila Prabhupada enkele decennia geleden in Amerika en is het als succes gewaardeerd. Wilt u ook over dit belangrijkste aspect van je leven even verdiepen?
Kom maar langs. Vooraankondiging is niet nodig. Het begint met transcendentale muziek/ sankirtan en sluiten we af met het vegetarische maaltijdfeest.
Happiness is beyond the material welfare. How this can be attained is through the spiritual realization. The practical ways to eternally blissful existence is given in the Vedic wisdom revealed to the mankind. This will be explained very nicely by
His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj during the
Symposium 'Gross Spiritual Happiness'
Date: 2nd June 2015 , Tuesday
At 18:30 hours
- Sankirtan
- Sumposium
- Vegetarian feast
At: City hall- De Rots Boxtel
Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 7,
5283 CA Boxtel.
The Netherlands
Email: naamhat@hotmail.com
Tel: 06 85 30 6737
Happiness is measured in terms of the consumption pattern and the availability of the resources for the sense gratification. This hedonistic advancement is described in terms of the ‘Gross National Product’ a parameter used by the United Nations and many countries to reflect the development and how the people are happy about it. Such advancement is external and has never helped people because every solution given turns into the problem, a vicious circle that takes round and round.
The real advancement is to go beyond that vicious circle. There is scientifically proven solution to all problems of life.
The solution to all the problems, also bestowing you good health, happiness and prosperity; is spiritual. This dynamism, we describe here as ‘the Gross Spiritual Happiness. It is universal and above the material plane.
This is a talisman scientifically proven in America and spread all over the world by His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada decades ago. If you want to know more on this fortune, please come. Appointment not necessary.
Update 2nd June after the session:
His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj accompanied by HH Bhakti Prema Swami and four brahmacaris kindly blessed Naamhat Boxtel on 2nd June with their auspecious visit. In transcendental pleasure maharaj performed aarati to our deities and offered garland to Srila Prabhupada. Then caran avisekh, a rare chance of blessing was kindly bestowed to the host that we did together.
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HH Bhakti Charu Swami addressing the 'happiness symposium'. |
Maharaj then preferred to take little rest as he was tired due to travel. He arrived to Boxtel via Wijchen from Rotterdam where he gave the previous day a session with the disciples and then a class at Audaryadhaam.
In Wijchen, maharaj visited Shree Ram Mandir very nicely run in the Sanatan dharma tradition by a team of pious families. 'If people could cooperate each other irrespective of their background and unanimously approach the government, building such a nice temple in Holland is always made possible' said a Brahmacari who witnessed the discussion between the temple authorities headed by the Pundit Sewnandan and maharaj. This is true. Sewnandan family came to the evening program in Boxtel.
Maharaj inquired the progress of the construction of the ISKCON temple in The Hague. Having approached in cooperation with Arya Samaj and Sikh community the permission was sanctioned by the government few years earlier to build temples side by side for each of these communities at Transval in The Hague.
In absence of any members of the executive committee, though they were invited to inform the progress in construction, I explained the progress as mentioned in the Krishna Bhakti Magazine June 15 edition.
At this moment the project is on the 1st phase, ie the 'bare bones Temple construction' and its within their's reach. This is estimated to 650 000 Euro. The 2nd phase, 'completing the construction' is estimated to 900 000 euro and the final phase of 'truly beyond temple' will cost 1200 000 Euro.At this moment the architectural design has been approved? The other two communities have already begun the construction. Naamhat Boxtel is pleased to support this project and looking for the ways to get information to engage in it.
The Hague municipality has laid the condition for ISKCON that it has to start the building construction in 2015. It is being done on the initiative of Shyam Sundar prabhu who has been operating a temple in his apartment for several years. Maharaj was pleased to hear this and asked everyone to support this temple building.
Later in the evening maharaj gave a class out of the Vedic wisdom on the importance of recognizing the soul and the level of consciosness. The happiness of the soul if pursued by raising oneself to the devotional platform will make one eternally joyous from within. This was the core message explained elaborately. More than 120 people from various background and age groups attended the symposium. At the end sumptious vegetarian meal prasad was served with love to all. It was a grand success.
Maharaj inquired the progress of the construction of the ISKCON temple in The Hague. Having approached in cooperation with Arya Samaj and Sikh community the permission was sanctioned by the government few years earlier to build temples side by side for each of these communities at Transval in The Hague.
In absence of any members of the executive committee, though they were invited to inform the progress in construction, I explained the progress as mentioned in the Krishna Bhakti Magazine June 15 edition.
At this moment the project is on the 1st phase, ie the 'bare bones Temple construction' and its within their's reach. This is estimated to 650 000 Euro. The 2nd phase, 'completing the construction' is estimated to 900 000 euro and the final phase of 'truly beyond temple' will cost 1200 000 Euro.At this moment the architectural design has been approved? The other two communities have already begun the construction. Naamhat Boxtel is pleased to support this project and looking for the ways to get information to engage in it.
The Hague municipality has laid the condition for ISKCON that it has to start the building construction in 2015. It is being done on the initiative of Shyam Sundar prabhu who has been operating a temple in his apartment for several years. Maharaj was pleased to hear this and asked everyone to support this temple building.
Later in the evening maharaj gave a class out of the Vedic wisdom on the importance of recognizing the soul and the level of consciosness. The happiness of the soul if pursued by raising oneself to the devotional platform will make one eternally joyous from within. This was the core message explained elaborately. More than 120 people from various background and age groups attended the symposium. At the end sumptious vegetarian meal prasad was served with love to all. It was a grand success.
More fotos here>>
by : Nanda Gautam

Zou u willen komen voor dit spiritueel beurs? Graag uw keuze
via deze link doorgeven aub, i.v.m het feestmaal
Er is gelukzaligheid voorbij de materiële voorspoed. Daar gaat het om welke iedereen opzoek naar zouden zijn.
Spiritueel Gelukzaligheid! Een lezing verzorgd door:
Zijne Heiligheid Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj
Op dinsdag 2 juni 2015
om 18:30 uur bij het
Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 7,
5283 CA Boxtel
In de huidige maatschappij wordt ons geluk en welvaart gemeten met de beschikbaarheid van middelen om onze zinnen met onze zintuigen te bevredigen. De meetlat, volgens VN is het ‘Bruto Nationale Product’. Maar hoe meer we hiernaar streven hoe meer we verstrikt raken in een netwerk van strijd om macht om onze verlangens en behoeftes te vervullen. Iedereen strijd voor een bestaan; en dit strijden voor een bestaan houdt onmiddellijk op als we in aanraking komen met eeuwige werkelijke kennis: dat is spiritueel. De spirituele gelukzaligheid is eeuwig en universeel, geldt voor iedereen ongeacht de achtergronden van de mens.
In tegenstelling tot het materiële hedonisme spiritueel bewustzijn haalt alle twijfels weg en is gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke bewijzen vanuit de Vedische wijsheid.Doe hier alstublieft uw voordeel me om zo deze wereld te verbeteren beginnend bij uzelf.
Wil je jezelf daadwerkelijk redden uit een kringloop van problemen en innerlijke gelukkig worden om eeuwig plezier te beleven dan is dit evenement bij uitstek de oplossing.
Deze oplossingen, beschrijven we met een thema als ‘Bruto Spiritueel Geluk’. De methoden worden uitgelegd in de lezing van Zijn Heiligheid Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj, een van de voorstaande spiritueel leraar uit India. Zo’n oplossing voor alle levende wezens was gepresenteerd door Srila Prabhupada enkele decennia geleden in Amerika en is het als succes gewaardeerd. Wilt u ook over dit belangrijkste aspect van je leven even verdiepen?
Kom maar langs. Vooraankondiging is niet nodig. Het begint met transcendentale muziek/ sankirtan en sluiten we af met het vegetarische maaltijdfeest.
Happiness is beyond the material welfare. How this can be attained is through the spiritual realization. The practical ways to eternally blissful existence is given in the Vedic wisdom revealed to the mankind. This will be explained very nicely by
His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj during the
Symposium 'Gross Spiritual Happiness'
- Sankirtan
- Sumposium
- Vegetarian feast
At: City hall- De Rots Boxtel
Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 7,
5283 CA Boxtel.
The Netherlands
Email: naamhat@hotmail.com
Tel: 06 85 30 6737
Happiness is measured in terms of the consumption pattern and the availability of the resources for the sense gratification. This hedonistic advancement is described in terms of the ‘Gross National Product’ a parameter used by the United Nations and many countries to reflect the development and how the people are happy about it. Such advancement is external and has never helped people because every solution given turns into the problem, a vicious circle that takes round and round.
The real advancement is to go beyond that vicious circle. There is scientifically proven solution to all problems of life.
The solution to all the problems, also bestowing you good health, happiness and prosperity; is spiritual. This dynamism, we describe here as ‘the Gross Spiritual Happiness. It is universal and above the material plane.
This is a talisman scientifically proven in |

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